Still sending API keys over Slack?
Get your shit together with modern secrets management
li@~/somesrc $
nblx init
Checking for secrets for github:somesrc
✨ Encrypted keyvault for github:somesrc exists!
✨ Found li's git ssh keys for somesrc in ~/.ssh/
✨ Attempting to decrypt keyvault invite with private key...success
✨ Saving keyvault key. Encrypting locally
✨ Found API keys...Attempting to decrypt...success
✨ Added Openrouter, AWS and Hyperbolic keys to .env
✨ Encrypted keyvault for github:somesrc exists!
✨ Found li's git ssh keys for somesrc in ~/.ssh/
✨ Attempting to decrypt keyvault invite with private key...success
✨ Saving keyvault key. Encrypting locally
✨ Found API keys...Attempting to decrypt...success
✨ Added Openrouter, AWS and Hyperbolic keys to .env
li@~/somesrc $
aws do stuff
... aws doing stuff ...
li@~/somesrc $
npm run staging
✨ nblx: switching .env keys to staging
... npm stuff ...
... npm stuff ...
li@~/somesrc $
nblx add VAST_AI
✨ Enter key: *************
✨ Encrypting...
🔒 VAST_AI key added
✨ Encrypting...
🔒 VAST_AI key added
li@~/somesrc $
So easy, you might already be using it.
🔒 Just Works
End-to-end encrypted, Zero trust. Automatically.
🤝 Drama Free
Cycle API keys then distribute them automagically. Add People, Remove Them. In Seconds.
🔄 Git BFF
Tightly-integrated dummy-proof workflows. Multiple environments, users, and projects. Seamlessly.
🚀 Your Rules
Self-host with pure git or use our cloud. Free. Everything is encrypted and the protocols are open.